Policy - Inclement Weather
In the event of inclement weather, AYHA activities at Bird Ice Arena may be cancelled. Decisions to cancel activities are primarily based on the Athens County Sheriff's snow emergency level as well as the operational status of Ohio University and Bird Ice Arena.
The AYHA attempts to notify families at least two to three hours prior he day's first activities at Bird Ice Arena through emails, texts, and contacts with coaches. However, rapidly changing weather conditions may result in little advanced notice from the Sheriff's office or Ohio University.

For Level 1 and Level 2 Snow Emergencies, families should use their best judgement when deciding whether to travel to Bird Ice Arena. For example, in southeast Ohio during a Level 2 emergency, those families living near main roads that are cleared and treated first may have no significant challenges getting to Ohio University, while those on secondary and township roads may still find conditions to hazardous to travel. For Level 3 Snow Emergencies, all activities at Bird Ice Arena are cancelled.

When traveling to other ice rink facilities outside of Athens, it is incumbent on families, coaches, and team managers to be aware of local weather conditions, forecasts, and road restrictions and how they may impact events at those rinks.
Updated May 5, 2023.